A downloadable game for Windows

A recreation of minesweeper running in the windows command prompt. It includes all the normal gameplay and functionality of minesweeper with ASCII art in the command console. 


Select difficulty with number keys.

Navigate minefield with arrow keys.

Flag a square with 'f'.

select a square with 'Enter'.

How to Play:

Start off by selecting any square, your first square will never be a bomb, or have any adjacent bombs.

Then notice the numbers. A square that is a number means that in the surrounding 8 squares, there is that many bombs. So a 1 means in the surrounding 8 squares, there is 1 bomb.

Squares that are believed to be bombs can be flagged using f, this is done to help the player in remembering what is a bomb and to avoid accidental selection but flagging is completely optional.

The game is won by selecting all of the squares that are not bombs.

Good Luck!

*If you have never played minesweeper, I recommend starting with a version that is not created with the constraints of the command prompt as it will be easier to see and understand. I recommend trying here.


Minesweeper.zip 9 kB

Install instructions

Unzip the file "Minesweeper.zip" then all you have to do is run the "Minesweeper.exe".


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